St Edmund Arrowsmith
St Edmund Arrowsmith was a Jesuit priest who was martyred in Lancaster on 28th August 1628.

The Cathedral entrance has a window depicting the saint. It includes an image of Lancaster Castle, where St Edmund was imprisonned; the castle is still in use as a prison today.

The window was paid for by an anonymous donor from Wigan. It was blessed by Rt Rev Patrick O'Donoghue, Bishop of Lancaster, on Sunday 19th May 2002, the feast of Pentecost.

The Cathedral celebrates St Edmund as one of the Lancashire Martyrs, whose feast is kept  throughout the diocese on 7th August each year.
Interpretation boards around the Cathedral help visitors to understand the building and its purpose
'Inspire', installed in 2006, is situated under the bell tower and includes a large exhibition case
The Cathedral's impressive 240ft spire is visible from many parts of Lancaster
The Cathedral features a number of unusual stained glass windows, such as this window depicting King Herod
The Holy Oils, used throughout the diocese of Lancaster in the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, ordination and anointing of the sick
A touchscreen computer gives details of the Cathedral and the Catholic faith
King Henry VIII, depicted in a stained glass window in the north transept
St Edmund Arrowsmith window, located in the Cathedral entrance