Saint Thérèse of Lisieux in Lancaster

28th-30th September 2009

Carlisle, Penrith, Keswick, North Lakes


Here you can find details of events in your area before September, and of any coaches travelling to the Cathedral during the relics’ visit.


Events in Your Area


Glimpses of the Carmelite Way

Saturday 19th September, 10:30am-5pm (no charge; donations welcome)

St Bede’s Church, Wigton Road, Carlisle


Find out more about Carmelite spirituality, the way of life which attracted St Thérèse from an early age. No need to book.


More information: Contact Mrs Patricia Wilson on 01461 40434 or email:


Coaches from Your Area

Coaches from the Carlisle deanery are being arranged for Tuesday 29th, to come to the Cathedral in time for Vespers and the evening Mass. Look out for information in your local parish or speak to your priest. Fr Peter Hart at Wigton, the local dean, is the co-ordinator (tel: 016973 42379)


Some parishes (for example, St Catherine’s, Penrith) are looking at the possibility of bringing their own group. Again, speak to your priest or look out for information in your own area.


We hope to post more details here, including contact details for groups organisers, in the near future.


Do you know about events/groups in this area? If there is a group coming to the Cathedral from this area or an event taking place here in the run-up to the visit, please let us know.